Cover of the Learning section - NYTimes

Working from home - Slack

Everthing In It's Right Place

Targeted Ads - Wall Street Journal

Sketchbooks for Baron Fig

Low Rider In-N-Out Beach Towel
Dance Party on the G Train - animation by Ara Devejian with assistance from Eron Hare

Heavy Blanket - Facebook

Covid spots for The New Yorker. Commissioned at the beginning of the pandemic

Whitewashing police violence - Propublica

Gym - Plansponsor
FRONT LINES. Collaboration with Alexa Lim Haas. This loop was made to highlight the black and brown essential workers going to work risking their lives during the pandemic. A gradient between the poor neighborhoods to the wealthier neighborhoods where communities are able to stay indoors baking sourdough loaves and attend zoom yoga classes. All hand painted with gouache and sumi ink within a week.

For Facebook's Oversight Board



High Maintenance - The New Yorker

Messy Room
Train Ride - Deloitte. Animation Assistant Director: Alexa Lim Haas Animator: Pierre-Nicolas Riou Animator: Eron Hare

Kent Avenue - Adidas

Cover for the NYTimes Book Review

Collecting Art - Phaidon

Semester Abroad - Dartmouth


Covid spots for The New Yorker. Commissioned at the beginning of the pandemic

Collecting Art - Phaidon
Infinity Screens

Reentry - Slack

Doubt - CNN

Reading - NYTimes Book Review

Reading with your child - NYTimes
Deloitte Animation Assistant Director: Alexa Lim Haas Animator: Pierre-Nicolas Riou Animator: Eron Hare

Bridge Runners - Adidas

Rainy Day

How To with John Wilson - The New Yorker

Top of the Mountain - Planadvisor Magazine

Holiday Feast - The New Yorker

Covid spots for The New Yorker. Commissioned at the beginning of the pandemic

Reconstruction - Plansponsor
